
Friday, October 20, 2017

Being Sick Sucks Everywhere

Warning: Unashamed pity-party ahead.
There are very few times in my adult life where I've said the sentence, "I just want my mom," out loud. This is one of those times. I have the flu. The gross and painful kind that I don't need to go into details about. I also have a messy house, a rambunctious kitten who wants attentions, and a to-do list a mile long. The flu does not care, and I will admit it, I just want my mom.

Don't get me wrong, I have care and resources. The Peace Corps Doctors, who are unfortunately a 2 and half hour bumpy bus ride away, have supplied us with medicine. My counterpart has been calling me every four hours or so to make sure I'm still alive, and to ask if she can do anything. There are even pharmacies right down the block where I can get medicine.

Here's the thing, my brain function isn't top-notch right now, and speaking a difficult foreign language in a culture that handles sick very differently than my own and venturing into a cold house and then an even colder outside, seems unnecessary when compared to wallowing under my toasty warm sleeping bag.

I keep thinking of how I can put a positive spin on this and have less of a pity-party, but some days are just hard, and this, is definitely one of them. Being sick sucks when you're at home, but take away all of the comforts you may have had there, and being sick becomes a whole nother matter. Ah, Peace Corps, you truly are preparing us to handle anything. I'm sure I'll muster the grace to be thankful later.

On the plus side, I have lots of good things happening, too, that I will happily share with you all when my brain is not a fog. For now, I hope you all stay healthy, and hug anyone who cares for you when you are feeling sick.

With more love and appreciation for all of you wonderful humans than you know,


  1. Get active to work it out. When things get gummy, movement and energy and heat break it up. Do some jumping jacks and jog. Miss you. Love you. Be safe.

  2. I wish I could be there for you, too. It sucks, as a mom, when you are helpless and unable to 'make it better' for your child. Drink plenty of fluids, stay warm, and get better. Take care of my baby girl. I love you.
